Today is a blank page in your life story.

Today is a blank page in your life story.

What will you write in it?

Sonia Parker


GeschichtenHaus Today is a blank page in your life story What you will write in it? What you will write as your life go on and go beyond.
Sometimes we just want answers for our questions, quick and redundant answer. Something good for the soul, something that let us thinking it is worth.

That’s why a blank page is scaring, the same as a white canvas for the painter or the stone itself for the sculptor.

Blank it means empty, sure! But means also freedom, the chance to do everything, to be anything and more.

So do it! Be it! Let the brush run on the canvas blindfolded, look at the result only after you completely sweat yourself colouring out.

As a leather worker, curve your tools on your skin and extract from it your soul, burn it, smoke it and smash it through the stone and definetly something will come out.

Nobody knows if it is good for you, or if it is worth, only you could feel it. Only you, the inner you, knows his thruth.

So today, even now, look for your empty page, your stone or your blank canvas. Stare at it, look at it, then action your film is waiting for you.